- 「一人負けニッポンの勝機 世界インフレと日本の未来」ウェッジ、2023年9月。
- 「日本の財政政策効果 高齢化・労働市場・ジェンダー平等」日本経済新聞出版、2023年7月。
- 「51のデータが明かす日本経済の構造 物価高・低賃金の根本原因」PHP研究所、2022年10月。
- 「101のデータで読む日本の未来」PHP研究所、2022年1月。
- 「労働経済学」新世社、2018年3月。
- “Comparison of Various Fiscal Policies in the Face of Different Demographic Stages” joint with Naoyuki Yoshino, Keigo Kameda, and Zhenkun Lu. Accepted at Singapore Economic Review.
- "Aging and Inflation – Regional Evidence from Japan and the US" joint with Jaewoo Lee and Jungjin Lee. Accepted at Economics Letters. 2024 Vol. 235, 111569.
- "Public Investment and Labor Market Flexibility" joint with Chun-Hung Kuo. Accepted at Economics Bulletin. 2023 Vol. 43 (2), 1122-1132.
- "Time Aggregation and Unemployment Volatility" joint with Noritaka Kudoh. Accepted at Economics Bulletin. 2023 Vol. 43 (2), 968-977.
- "Government Debt and Monetary Policy Perspectives in Japan" The Economists’ Voice. 2023 Vol.20, no.1, 131-134.
- "Do General Equilibrium Effects Matter for Labor Market Dynamics?" joint with Noritaka Kudoh. Economic Modelling. 2023 Vol. 119, 106108.
- "A Note on Population Aging and Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy" joint with Naoyuki Yoshino. Macroeconomic Dynamics. 2022 Vol 26(6), 1679-1689.
- "Countercyclical Fiscal Policy and Gender Employment Gap: Evidence from the G-7 Countries" joint with Bernardin Akitoby and Jiro Honda. IZA Journal of Labor Policy. 2022 Vol.12, no.1.
- "How does population aging affect the effectiveness of fiscal stimulus over the business cycle?" joint with Jiro Honda. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2021 Vol. 68 (lead article).
- "Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe" joint with Nujin Suphaphiphat. IZA Journal of Labor Policy. 2021. 11:3.
- "Effects of a banking crisis on credit growth in developing countries" joint with Raksmey Uch and Makoto Kakinaka. Finance Research Letters. 2021 Volume 43, 102004.
- "Fiscal Stimulus and Unemployment Dynamics" joint with Chun-Hung Kuo. The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Contribution). 2019 Volume 19 (2).
- "Employment and Hours over the Business Cycle in a Model with Search Frictions" joint with Noritaka Kudoh and Masaru Sasaki. Review of Economic Dynamics. 2019 Volume 31, 436-461.
- "Declined Effectiveness of Fiscal and Monetary Policies Faced with Aging Population in Japan" joint with Naoyuki Yoshino. Japan and the World Economy. 2017 Volume 42, 32-44.
- "The Effectiveness of the Negative Interest Rate Policy in Japan" joint with Naoyuki Yoshino and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary. Credit and Capital Markets. 2017 Vol. 50, No. 2, 189-212.
- "Growth and Non-Regular Employment" The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2016 Vol. 16: Iss. 2 (Contributions), 523-554.
- "Choice of inflation targeting: Some international evidence" joint with Shakhzod Ismailov and Makoto Kakinaka, North American Journal of Economics and Finance. 2016, Volume 36, 350–369.
- "Cyclical behavior of real wages in Japan" Economics Letters. 2015, 56-59.
- "Fiscal Stimuli in the Form of Job Creation Subsidies" joint with Chun-Hung Kuo, Journal of Macroeconomics. 2015 Volume 43, 267–284.
- "Inflation and inflation uncertainty: The case of Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Vietnam" joint with Bora Buth and Makoto Kakinaka, Journal of Asian Economics. 2015 Volume 38, 31–43.
- "An Estimated Search and Matching Model of the Japanese Labor Market" with Ching-Yang Lin, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. 2014 Volume 32, 86–104.
- "Fiscal stimulus and labor market dynamics in Japan" with Ryuta Ray Kato, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. 2013 Vol. 30, 33-58.
- "The Ins and Outs of the Long-Run Unemployment Dynamics" Applied Economics Letters. 2013 Vol. 20, Issue 7, 615-620.
- "Bank risk and non-interest income activities in the Indonesian banking industry" joint with Wahyu Yuwana Hidayata and Makoto Kakinaka, Journal of Asian Economics. 2012 Vol. 23 Issue 4, 335-343.
- "Gross Worker Flows and Unemployment Dynamics in Japan" joint with Ching-Yang Lin, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies. 2012 Vol. 26 Issue 1, 44-61.
- "Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in Japan" joint with Makoto Kakinaka, Applied Economics Letters. 2012 Vol. 19 Issue 11, 1039-1043.
- "Productivity Growth, On-the-Job Search, and Unemployment," joint with Yuya Takahashi, Journal of Monetary Economics. 2011 Vol. 58, Issues 6–8, 666–680.
- "Cyclical Behavior of Unemployment and Job Vacancies in Japan" Japan and the World Economy. 2011 Vol. 23, 214-225.
- "Efficiency in a Search and Matching Model with Training Costs" Economic Modelling. 2011 Vol. 28, 1838-1841.
- "Cyclical Behavior of a Matching Model with Capital Investment" The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2011 Vol. 11: Iss. 1 (Topics), Article 2.
- "Real Shock or Nominal Shock? Exchange Rate Movements in Cambodia and Lao PDR" joint with Seiha Ok and Makoto Kakinaka, Singapore Economic Review. 2010 Volume 55(4), 685-703.
- "R&D, Unemployment, and Labor Market Policies" Japan and the World Economy. August 2010, Vol. 22(3), 198-205.
- "Cyclical Shocks in a Model of Equilibrium Unemployment" joint with Yoshimasa Shirai, The Japanese Economic Review. 2010 June, Vol. 61(2), 282-288.
- "Job Flows and Unemployment in an Equilibrium Unemployment Model with Firm-Specific Skill Training" joint with Yoshimasa Shirai, The Japanese Economic Review. December 2006, Volume 57(4), 547-561.
- “Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Aging Economies” joint with Naoyuki Yoshino. Public Policy Review. 2021 Vol. 17 (3)
- “Reconsideration of the “Domar condition” to check sustainability of budget deficit” with Naoyuki Yoshino. Public Policy Review. 2021 Vol. 17 (3)
- “Revisiting the public debt stability condition” joint with Naoyuki Yoshino. Global Solutions Journal. 2021, Issue 6, pp. 198-206.
- “For the Benefit of All: Fiscal Policies and Equity-Efficiency Trade-offs in the Age of Automation” join with A. Berg, L. Bounader, N. Gueorguiev, K. Moriyama, R. Nakatani, L-F. Zanna.IMF Working Paper. No. 2021/187, July 2021.
- “Growth Impact of Public Investment and the Role of Infrastructure Governance” joint with N. Gueorguiev, J. Honda, A. Baum, and S. Walker. InWell Spent: How Strong Infrastructure Governance Can End Waste in Public Investment.edited by G. Schwartz, M. Fouad, T. Hansen, and G. Verdier. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 2020.
- “How does population aging affect the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy ?” joint with Naoyuki Yoshino. Global Solutions Journal. 2020, Issue 5, pp. 249-255.
- “Mitigating Long-term Unemployment in Europe” joint with Nujin Suphaphiphat. IMF Working Paper.No. 2020/168, August 2020.
- “Would Population Aging Change the Output Effects of Fiscal Policy?” joint with Jiro Honda. IMF Working Paper. No. 2020/092, June 2020.
- “Exploring the Output Effect of Fiscal Policy Shocks in Low Income Countries” joint with Jiro Honda and Mina Taniguchi. IMF Working Paper. No. 2020/012 January 2020.
- “Case Studies in Tax Revenue Mobilization in Low-Income Countries” joint with Bernardin Akitoby, Jiro Honda, Keyra Primus, and Mouhamadou Sy. IMF Working Paper. No. 19/104, May 2019.
- “Countercyclical Fiscal Policy and Gender Employment Gap: Evidence from the G-7 Countries” joint with Bernardin Akitoby and Jiro Honda. IMF Working Paper. No. 19/4, January 2019.
- “Efficiency analysis for expenditures in public investment and education,” Selected Issues Paper: Bulgaria. International Monetary Fund, 2018.
- “The ineffectiveness of Japan’s negative interest rate policy” with Naoyuki Yoshino and Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary. In: Yoshino, N., Taghizadeh-Hesary, F. (Eds.),Japan’s Lost Decade.2017, Springer
- Comment on “The Long-Term Impacts of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games on Economic and Labor Market Outcomes”,Asian Economic Policy Review. 2016 Volume 11, Issue 1, pages 68–69, January 2016.
- “Effects of Fiscal Stimulus on the Labor Market” joint with Ryuta Ray Kao. Public Policy Review. 2015 Vol. 11, 277-302.
- 「労働市場と人的投資のこれから」『経済セミナー』2024年6・7月号。
- 「人口減少と労働市場改革」国際経済政策シリーズ4『日本の人口減少問題への処方箋を考える』pp. 88-103、2024年7月。
- 「労働市場の流動化が日本を救う」国際経済政策シリーズ2『広義の経済安全保障を実現する進化型産業政策の必要性』pp.73-85、2022年12月。
- 「日本の財政の持続可能性」国際経済政策シリーズ『広義の経済安全保障を実現する進化型産業政策の必要性』pp.117-128、2022年12月(小枝淳子氏・吉野直行氏との共著)
- 「米国の所得格差と経済政策」『国際問題』2021年10月 No.703、pp. 5-14。
- 「米国における不況と雇用・失業対策」『社会保障研究』第6巻、第2号、pp. 114 - 129、2021年9月。
- 「財政赤字の安定化条件「ドーマー条件」の再考察」『フィナンシャル・レビュー』令和3年(2021年)第2号(通巻第145号)、pp. 4-14 (吉野直行氏と共著)。
- 「高齢化が財政政策の効果に与える影響」『フィナンシャル・レビュー』令和3年(2021年)第2号(通巻第145号)、pp. 49-67 (吉野直行氏と共著)。
- 「経済ショックは労働市場にどのような影響を与えるか」『経済セミナー』2021年2・3月号。
- 「人手不足で日本の賃金は上がるのか?」『統計』2019年12月号、pp.2-8。
- 「グローバリゼーションと雇用・格差」『経済セミナー』2017年6・7月号。
- 「TPPと日本経済−経済統合の行方」『現代経済学の潮流2017』東洋経済新報社、2017年。
- 「景気変動と労働市場」『日本労働研究雑誌』No. 683、pp. 4-22、2017年6月。
- 「量的緩和政策と労働市場」日本銀行ワーキングペーパーシリーズ 2016年。
- 「景気変動が賃金格差に与える影響」『経済分析』第191号、2016年(佐々木勝氏との共著)。
- 「摩擦的失業と構造的失業」『日本労働研究雑誌』No. 657、pp. 70-71、2015年4月。
- 「大不況下の米国労働市場─長期失業者の推移と対策」『日本労働研究雑誌』No. 651、pp. 31-44、2014年10月。
- 「財政政策が労働市場に与える影響について」『フィナンシャル・レビュー』平成26年(2014年)第4号(通巻第120号)、pp.45-67、2014年9月。
- 「労働市場改革の論点」『Economic & Social Research(ESR)No. 6 2014年秋号』内閣府経済社会総合研究所、pp.13.-15、2014年9月。
- 「労働市場のマクロ分析−サーチ理論とマクロ経済分析−」『労働経済学の新展開』清家・駒村・山田(編)、慶應義塾大学出版会、pp.119-140、2009年6月。