Outline and Background of the MLI
Key Points of the MLI
Signatories of the MLI
Outline of Japan’s Choices of Application of the MLI
Application of the MLI to Japan's Tax Treaties
Documents relating to the MLI
Reference Information
Outline and Background of the MLI
- The MLI is intended to introduce the tax treaty related measures, which are part of the measures developed under the BEPS project, into the existing tax treaties between the Parties to the MLI.
- The MLI enables the Parties to implement the tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS with respect to a large number of their existing tax treaties at the same time and in an efficient manner.
- Measures to prevent BEPS introduced into the existing tax treaties by the MLI consist of (i) measures to prevent tax avoidance conducted through abuse of tax treaties and (ii) measures to eliminate uncertainty for taxpayers such as elimination of double taxation.
- Each of the Parties to the MLI may choose all or part of its existing tax treaties as to be covered by the MLI and under specified conditions all or part of provisions of the MLI regarding the tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS as to be applicable to their existing tax treaties.
2. Background
- September 2014:In the reports of the BEPS project, it was recommended to develop a mandate for the formation of an ad hoc Group for the development of a multilateral instrument.
- November 24, 2016:The text of the MLI was adopted by the members of the ad hoc Group.
- June 7, 2017:67 jurisdictions including Japan signed the MLI at the signing ceremony held at Paris.
- May 18, 2018:The MLI was approved at the 196th session of the Diet in Japan.
- July 1, 2018:The MLI entered into force for the first 5 jurisdictions that had deposited the instruments of ratification thereof. Hereafter the MLI will enter into force for each of the jurisdictions that subsequently deposits the instrument of ratification.
- September 26, 2018:Japan deposited the instrument of acceptance. Accordingly, the MLI entered into force on January 1, 2019 for Japan.
- As of October 2, 2024:102 jurisdictions have signed the MLI. 85 of them have deposited the instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of the MLI.
Key Points of the MLI
Measures to prevent BEPS introduced into the existing tax treaties by the MLI consist of (i) measures to prevent tax avoidance conducted through abuse of tax treaties and (ii) measures to eliminate uncertainty for taxpayers such as elimination of double taxation, which include the tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS recommended by the final reports of the following Actions of the BEPS project.
2. Tax Treaties covered by the MLI
Each of the Parties to the MLI may choose all or part of its existing tax treaties as to be covered by the MLI.
The MLI will apply only to a tax treaty all of the parties to which have chosen that tax treaty as to be covered by the MLI, and will not apply to a tax treaty either party to which is not the Party to the MLI nor has chosen that tax treaty as such.
3. Choice and Application of Measures to Prevent BEPS
Each of the Parties to the MLI may choose under specified conditions all or part of provisions of the MLI regarding the tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS as to be applicable to their existing tax treaties.
Provisions of the MLI, in principle, will apply only to tax treaties all of the parties to which have chosen such provisions as to be applicable to their tax treaties, and will not apply to tax treaties either party to which has not chosen those provisions as such.
The provisions of the MLI chosen to be applied by a Party to the MLI, in principle, will apply to all of its tax treaties covered by the MLI, and a Party cannot choose to or not to apply such provisions only to its particular tax treaties.
The provisions of the MLI regarding the tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS will, where applicable, apply in place of the similar provisions of the existing tax treaties or in addition to the provisions thereof in the absence of such similar provisions.
4. Notification of Choices
Each of the Parties to the MLI must notify the Depositary of the MLI (the Secretary-General of the OECD) of (i) a list of existing tax treaties to be covered by the MLI and (ii) a list of provisions of the MLI regarding the tax treaty related measures to prevent BEPS to be applicable to its tax treaties at time of either of the signature to the MLI or of the ratification, acceptance or approval of the MLI. A Party to the MLI which does not make such notification at the time of the signature to the MLI must submit provisional lists of them at that time. Each of the Parties to the MLI may extend at any time the list of existing tax treaties to be covered by the MLI.
The Depositary will make public the notifications and submissions from each of the Parties to the MLI.
Signatories of the MLI
《As of October 2, 2024, 102 jurisdictions》
Albania | Côte d'lvoire | Ireland | Monaco | Senegal |
Algeria |
Croatia | Isle of Man | Mongolia | Serbia |
Andorra | Cyprus | Israel | Morocco | Seychelles |
Argentina | Czech Republic | Italy | Namibia | Singapore |
Armenia | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Jamaica | Netherlands (*3) | Slovakia |
Australia | Denmark | Japan | New Zealand | Slovenia |
Austria | Egypt | Jersey | Nigeria | South Africa |
Azerbaijan | Estonia | Jordan | North Macedonia | Spain |
Bahrain | Eswatini | Kazakhstan | Norway | Sweden |
Barbados | Fiji | Kenya | Oman | Switzerland |
Belgium | Finland | Korea | Pakistan | Thailand |
Belize | France | Kuwait | Panama | Tunisia |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Gabon | Latvia | Papua New Guinea | Turkey |
Bulgaria | Georgia | Lesotho | Peru | Ukraine |
Burkina Faso | Germany | Liechtenstein | Poland | United Arab Emirates |
Cameroon | Greece |
Lithuania | Portugal | United Kingdom |
Canada | Guernsey | Luxembourg | Qatar | Uruguay |
Chile | Hungary | Malaysia | Romania | Viet Nam |
China (*2) | Iceland | Malta | Russia | |
Colombia | India | Mauritius | San Marino | |
Costa Rica | Indonesia | Mexico | Saudi Arabia |
Outline of Japan’s Choices of Application of the MLI
1. Jurisdictions which are Parties to the Tax Treaties chosen by Japan as to be Covered by the MLI (43 Jurisdictions)
Australia | Germany | Korea | Pakistan | Sweden |
Bulgaria | Hong Kong | Kuwait | Poland | Thailand |
Canada | Hungary | Luxembourg | Portugal | Turkey |
China | India | Malaysia | Qatar | Ukraine |
Czech Republic | Indonesia | Mexico | Romania | United Arab Emirates |
Egypt | Ireland | Netherlands | Saudi Arabia | United Kingdom |
Fiji | Israel | New Zealand | Singapore | Viet Nam |
Finland | Italy | Norway | Slovakia | |
France | Kazakhstan | Oman | South Africa |
2. Provisions of the MLI chosen to apply by Japan
3. Provisions of the MLI chosen not to apply by Japan
Application of the MLI to Japan's Tax Treaties
The MLI applies to an existing tax treaty where both parties to that tax treaty have chosen to apply the MLI to it and where the MLI has entered into force for those parties.
The provisions of the MLI applicable to an existing tax treaty and the timing of entry into effect of the MLI for it are determined depending on the choices of each of the parties to that tax treaty.
For details of the application of the MLI to the tax treaties between Japan and the jurisdictions which have already deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval of the MLI, see the table below.
The Other Contracting Jurisdiction |
Date of Submission of Reservations and Notifications |
Application of the MLI | |
Australia | 26-09-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:421KB), English(PDF:195KB)) |
Bulgaria | 16-09-2022 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:292KB), English(PDF:174KB)) |
Canada | 29-08-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:330KB), English(PDF:143KB)) |
China | 25-05-2022 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:281KB), English(PDF:153KB)) |
Czech Republic | 13-05-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:267KB), English(PDF:106KB)) |
Egypt | 30-09-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:289KB), English(PDF:147KB)) |
Finland | 25-02-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (1) (Japanese(PDF:310KB), English(PDF:131KB)) (*) |
27-06-2023 | Summary | Synthesised Text (2) (Japanese(PDF:313KB), English(PDF:134KB)) |
France | 26-09-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:442KB)) (*) |
Germany | 18-12-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:361KB), English(PDF:201KB)) |
Hong Kong | 25-05-2022 21-02-2023 |
Summary (*) |
Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:338KB), English(PDF:128KB)) (*) |
Hungary | 25-03-2021 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:311KB), English(PDF:152KB)) |
India | 25-06-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:317KB), English(PDF:100KB)) |
Indonesia | 28-04-2020 26-11-2020 |
Summary (*) |
Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:311KB), English(PDF:180KB)) (*) |
Ireland | 29-01-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:320KB), English(PDF:138KB)) |
Israel | 13-09-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:302KB), English(PDF:131KB)) |
Kazakhstan | 24-06-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (1) (Japanese(PDF:301KB), English(PDF:180KB)) |
26-11-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (2) (Japanese(PDF:302KB), English(PDF:181KB)) |
Korea | 13-05-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:295KB), English(PDF:119KB)) |
Luxembourg | 09-04-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:385KB), English(PDF:154KB)) (*) |
Malaysia | 18-02-2021 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:299KB), English(PDF:176KB)) (*) |
Mexico | 15-03-2023 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:339KB), English(PDF:179KB)) |
Netherlands | 29-03-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:381KB), English(PDF:191KB)) |
New Zealand | 27-06-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:384KB), English(PDF:201KB)) |
Norway | 17-07-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:302KB), English(PDF:129KB)) |
Oman | 07-07-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:305KB), English(PDF:140KB)) |
Pakistan | 18-12-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:316KB), English(PDF:168KB)) |
Poland | 23-01-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:289KB), English(PDF:139KB)) |
Portugal | 28-02-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:320KB), English(PDF:157KB)) |
Qatar | 23-12-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:308KB), English(PDF:101KB)) |
Romania | 28-02-2022 06-03-2023 |
Summary (*) |
Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:284KB), English(PDF:111KB)) (*) |
Saudi Arabia | 23-01-2020 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:312KB), English(PDF:174KB)) |
Singapore | 21-12-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:329KB), English(PDF:156KB)) |
Slovakia | 20-09-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:297KB), English(PDF:121KB)) |
South Africa | 30-09-2022 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:297KB), English(PDF:151KB)) |
Sweden | 22-06-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:332KB), English(PDF:145KB)) |
Thailand | 31-03-2022 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:301KB), English(PDF:151KB)) |
Ukraine | 08-08-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:274KB), English(PDF:153KB)) |
United Arab Emirates | 29-05-2019 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:292KB), English(PDF:172KB)) |
United Kingdom | 29-06-2018 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:362KB), English(PDF:120KB)) |
Viet Nam | 23-05-2023 | Summary | Synthesised Text (Japanese(PDF:307KB), English(PDF:148KB)) |
(*) A Summary or Synthesised Text was partly modified.
Documents relating to the MLI
“Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent Base Erosion and Profit Shifting" (Japanese (PDF:1783KB), English (PDF:271KB))
-List of Reservations and Notifications of Signatories and Parties to the Convention to Implement Measures to Prevent BEPS [link to the website of the OECD]
-List of Reservations and Notifications of Japan (Japanese (provisional)(PDF:462KB) , English(PDF:290KB)) [as of June 20, 2023]
- Mutual agreements between the competent authorities regarding the mode of application of the provisions contained in Part VI (Arbitration) of the MLI
“Implementing arrangements regarding arbitration procedure” [link to the website of the National Tax Agency].
Reference Information
- Statement by Minister Aso on the publication of the final reports on BEPS Action Plan
- Explanatory Documents submitted by the Ministry of Finance to the 24th Meeting of the Tax Commission (October 23, 2015) regarding the final reports of BEPS Project [link to the website of the Cabinet Office]
- BEPS Project [link to the website of the National Tax Agency]