※ Change with the review of the balance of payments statistics
Regarding net transactions in foreign securities by residents, International Transactions in Securities show net sales with a plus sign and net purchases with a minus sign. This convention will be reversed for transactions from January 2014 onward, where net purchases will be shown with a plus sign, while net sales will be shown with a minus sign.For more information about, please refer to Notification of the Revision of Balance of Payments Related Statistics in Japan.
Weekly; based on reports from designated major investors
Monthly; based on reports from designated major investors
- Latest Press Release (October 8, 2024)
- Historical Data
・Purchases and Sales of Foreign Securities by Residents by Types of Investors
Equity and Investment Fund Shares
Long-term Debt Securities
Short-term Debt Securities
Securities Issuance
- Latest Press Release (October 8, 2024)
- Historical Data
Release Schedule
Notice about Statistics
- Revisions of the Categories of Outward Portfolio Investors in the Balance of Payments Statistics(November 12, 2007)