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International Investment Position of Japan (End of 2023)

International Investment Position of Japan (End of 2023)

(¥ billion)

International Investment Position of Japan (Ends of 2020 and 2021)
Assets Liabilities
1. Direct investment 307,692 1. Direct investment 50,518
Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 206,328 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 24,445
Reinvestment of earnings 75,053 Reinvestment of earnings 8,762
Debt instruments 26,311 Debt instruments 17,310
2. Portfolio investment 617,338 2. Portfolio investment 505,513
Equity and investment fund shares 288,535 Equity and investment fund shares 280,697
Equity securities other than investment fund shares 144,918 Equity securities other than investment fund shares 274,035
Central bank 17  
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
1,458 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 4  
Other financial corporations 135,314 Other financial corporations 10,989
Others 8,126 Others 247,111
Investment fund shares or units 143,617 Investment fund shares or units 6,662
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 42  
Other financial corporations 118,274 Other financial corporations 6,662
Others 7,634 Others
Debt securities 328,803 Debt securities 224,816
Long-term 325,067 Long-term 129,810
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
107,687 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 251 General government 91,406
Other financial corporations 199,774 Other financial corporations 5,669
Others 17,355 Others 10,584
Short-term 3,736 Short-term 95,007
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
2,217 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government General government 92,532
Other financial corporations 751 Other financial corporations 84
Others 767 Others 220

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)


3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
15,717 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 2 General government 3
Other financial corporations 46,613 Other financial corporations 46,074
Others 1 Others 0
4. Other investment 317,887 4. Other investment 397,304
Other equity 31,823 Other equity 2,217
Currency and deposits 24,407 Currency and deposits 65,927
  Central bank 44,619
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
8,652 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 4
Other financial corporations 9,920
Others 5,831
Loans 196,032 Loans 271,160
[Long-term] 101,159 [Long-term] 19,671
[Short-term] 94,873 [Short-term] 251,488
  Central bank
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
106,803 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 28,030 General government
Other financial corporations 56,488 Other financial corporations 117,961
Others 4,711 Others 3,570
Insurance and pension reserves 4,010 Insurance and pension reserves 315
Other financial corporations 3,933 Other financial corporations 315
Others 77  
Trade credit and advances 12,592 Trade credit and advances 4,364
[Long-term] 3,145 [Long-term] 2
[Short-term] 9,447 [Short-term] 4,363
General government 3,008  
Other financial corporations 0 Other financial corporations
Others 9,583 Others 4,364
Other accounts receivable 49,023 Other accounts payable 45,384
[Long-term] 13,309 [Long-term] 1,501
[Short-term] 35,714 [Short-term] 43,883
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
32,234 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 449 General government 1,065
Other financial corporations 13,577 Other financial corporations 19,419
Others 2,763 Others 2,169
Special drawing rights 7,937
5. Reserve assets 183,094
Monetary gold 7,932
Special drawing rights 8,134
Reserve position in the IMF 1,499
Other reserve assets 165,529
Total assets 1,488,342 Total liabilities 1,017,036
Net international investment position 471,306
Central bank and general government -13,707
Sectors other than the central bank and general government 485,013
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
Other financial corporations 388,683
Others 54,308

International Investment Position of Japan
(Ends of 2022 and 2023)

(¥ billion)

International Investment Position of Japan
(Ends of 2020 and 2021)
Assets End of
End of
Liabilities End of
End of
1. Direct investment 276,354 307,692 31,338 1. Direct investment 46,233 50,518 4,285
Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 188,429 206,328 17,899 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 23,822 24,445 623
Reinvestment of earnings 65,930 75,053 9,123 Reinvestment of earnings 7,873 8,762 889
Debt instruments 21,995 26,311 4,316 Debt instruments 14,538 17,310 2,773
2. Portfolio investment 531,224 617,338 86,114 2. Portfolio investment 458,086 505,513 47,427
Equity and investment fund shares 243,721 288,535 44,814 Equity and investment fund shares 226,339 280,697 54,358
Equity securities other than investment fund shares 113,802 144,918 31,116 Equity securities other than investment fund shares 220,089 274,035 53,946
Central bank 16 17 1      
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 1,019 1,458 439 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 12,431 15,936 3,505
General government 4 4 -1      
Other financial corporations 106,841 135,314 28,472 Other financial corporations 8,802 10,989 2,188
Others 5,921 8,126 2,204 Others 198,857 247,111 48,254
Investment fund shares or units 129,919 143,617 13,698 Investment fund shares or units 6,249 6,662 412
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 18,332 17,667 -665      
General government 35 42 7      
Other financial corporations 105,040 118,274 13,234 Other financial corporations 6,249 6,662 412
Others 6,513 7,634 1,121 Others
Debt securities 287,503 328,803 41,300 Debt securities 231,747 224,816 -6,931
Long-term 284,365 325,067 40,702 Long-term 128,419 129,810 1,390
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 87,013 107,687 20,674 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 19,224 22,151 2,927
General government 295 251 -44 General government 94,821 91,406 -3,416
Other financial corporations 180,230 199,774 19,544 Other financial corporations 5,621 5,669 48
Others 16,828 17,355 527 Others 8,752 10,584 1,832
Short-term 3,137 3,736 599 Short-term 103,328 95,007 -8,322
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 1,746 2,217 472 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 1,941 2,170 229
General government General government 101,107 92,532 -8,575
Other financial corporations 903 751 -151 Other financial corporations 16 84 68
Others 489 767 278 Others 263 220 -43

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

76,743 62,332 -14,411

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

77,409 63,701 -13,708
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 22,155 15,717 -6,438 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 23,631 17,623 -6,008
General government 4 2 -2 General government 6 3 -3
Other financial corporations 54,584 46,613 -7,971 Other financial corporations 53,762 46,074 -7,688
Others 1 1 -0 Others 9 0 -9
4. Other investment 293,206 317,887 24,681 4. Other investment 337,938 397,304 59,366
Other equity 27,632 31,823 4,192 Other equity 1,894 2,217 323
Currency and deposits 24,019 24,407 388 Currency and deposits 58,597 65,927 7,330
      Central bank 37,966 44,619 6,653
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 8,092 8,652 560 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 20,632 21,308 676
General government 68 4 -64
Other financial corporations 9,675 9,920 244
Others 6,184 5,831 -353
Loans 180,856 196,032 15,176 Loans 221,409 271,160 49,750
[Long-term] 94,000 101,159 7,160 [Long-term] 14,843 19,671 4,828
[Short-term] 86,857 94,873 8,016 [Short-term] 206,566 251,488 44,922
      Central bank
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 106,343 106,803 460 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 125,382 149,628 24,246
General government 26,671 28,030 1,359 General government
Other financial corporations 44,077 56,488 12,410 Other financial corporations 92,375 117,961 25,586
Others 3,764 4,711 947 Others 3,652 3,570 -82
Insurance and pension reserves 2,892 4,010 1,118 Insurance and pension reserves 318 315 -3
Other financial corporations 2,812 3,933 1,120 Other financial corporations 318 315 -3
Others 80 77 -2      
Trade credit and advances 11,255 12,592 1,336 Trade credit and advances 4,039 4,364 326
[Long-term] 2,225 3,145 920 [Long-term] 38 2 -36
[Short-term] 9,030 9,447 417 [Short-term] 4,001 4,363 362
General government 2,007 3,008 1,002      
Other financial corporations 0 0 0 Other financial corporations
Others 9,249 9,583 335 Others 4,039 4,364 326
Other accounts receivable 46,551 49,023 2,472 Other accounts payable 44,325 45,384 1,060
[Long-term] 12,952 13,309 357 [Long-term] 1,171 1,501 329
[Short-term] 33,599 35,714 2,115 [Short-term] 43,153 43,883 730
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 32,196 32,234 38 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 23,516 22,731 -785
General government 420 449 29 General government 263 1,065 802
Other financial corporations 11,195 13,577 2,382 Other financial corporations 18,578 19,419 841
Others 2,739 2,763 24 Others 1,968 2,169 201
Special drawing rights 7,356 7,937 581
5. Reserve assets 162,140 183,094 20,954
Monetary gold 6,514 7,932 1,418
Special drawing rights 7,834 8,134 300
Reserve position in the IMF 1,430 1,499 69
Other reserve assets 146,363 165,529 19,166
Total assets 1,339,666 1,488,342 148,676 Total liabilities 919,666 1,017,036 97,370
Net international investment position 420,000 471,306 51,306
Central bank and general government -42,049 -13,707 28,342
Sectors other than the central bank and general government 462,049 485,013 22,964
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 51,402 42,022 -9,380
Other financial corporations 338,776 388,683 49,907
Others 71,871 54,308 -17,563

Figures in "Others" include figures of nonfinancial corporations, households, and nonprofit institutions serving households.