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Policy Cost Analysis Report 2020

Policy Cost Analysis Report 2020

1.This document compiles the results of analysis calculated by 28 institutions. These analysis pertain to “policy cost” calculated from subsidies to be provided in the future from the national treasury to Fiscal Investment and Loan Program (FILP) projects.
2.To obtain the discounted present value of subsidies, etc. to be granted, estimates in these analysis are based on certain assumptions. Thus, it should be noted that figures may vary greatly according to the assumptions used.
3.Please note that the website address of each institution is provided at the right-side top of the explanation page for each institution.


Explanation of Policy Cost Analysis(PDF:317KB)
Points of the FY2020 Policy Cost Analysis (PDF:731KB)
FY2020 Policy Cost Analysis (by agency) (PDF:401KB)
FY2020 Policy Cost Analysis Table (Breakdown & Sensitivity)
FY2020 Policy Cost Analysis Table (Past year comparison)
How to interpret analysis results
Special Account for Stable Supply of Food (Account for National Land Improvement)(PDF:79KB)
Special Account for Energy Measures (Account for Supply and Demand of Energy)(PDF:96KB)

Japan Finance Corporation

Account for Micro Business and Individual Operations(PDF:186KB)
Account for SME Loan Programs and Securitization Support Programs (Guarantee-type Operations)(PDF:489KB)
Account for Agriculture,Forestry,Fisheries and Food Business Operations(PDF:213KB)
Account for Operations to Facilitate Crisis Responses(PDF:350KB)
Account for Operations to Facilitate Specific Businesses Promotion, etc.(PDF:191KB)
The Okinawa Development Finance Corporation(PDF:400KB)
Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)
Account for Ordinary Operations(PDF:389KB)
Account for Special Operations(PDF:194KB)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
(Incorporated Administrative Agency) (Finance and Investment Account)(PDF:602KB)
The Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan (Grant Account)(PDF:405KB)
Japan Student Services Organization (Incorporated Administrative Agency)(PDF:470KB)
Welfare and Medical Service Agency
(Incorporated Administrative Agency) (General Account)(PDF:198KB)
National Hospital Organization (Incorporated Administrative Agency)(PDF:207KB)
National Cancer Center (National Research and Development Agency)(PDF:219KB)
National Center for Child Health and Development (National Research and Development Agency)(PDF:196KB)
National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (National Research and Development Agency)(PDF:185KB)
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
(Incorporated Administrative Agency) (Facilities Improvement Account)(PDF:327KB)
Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency
(Incorporated Administrative Agency)
Construction Account(PDF:395KB)
Maritime Affairs Account(PDF:203KB)
Local Public Transportation Account(PDF:390KB)
Japan Housing Finance Agency (Incorporated Administrative Agency)(PDF:199KB)
Urban Renaissance Agency
(Incorporated Administrative Agency) (Urban Renaissance Account)(PDF:212KB)
Japan Expressway Holding and Debt Repayment Agency (Incorporated Administrative Agency)
(Including NEXCO East, NEXCO Central, and NEXCO West)(PDF:360KB)
Japan Water Agency (Incorporated Administrative Agency)(PDF:207KB)
Forest Research and Management Organization
(National Research and Development Agency) (Water Source Forest Account)(PDF:195KB)
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (Incorporated Administrative Agency)
General Account for Metal Mining(PDF:200KB)
Account for Oil, Natural Gas, etc.(PDF:211KB)
Development Bank of Japan Inc.(PDF:173KB)
East Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.(PDF:360KB)
Central Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.(PDF:360KB)
West Nippon Expressway Co., Ltd.(PDF:360KB)
Narita International Airport Corporation(PDF:174KB)
Organization for Promoting Urban Development (General Incorporated Foundation) (PDF:194KB)
Central Japan International Airport Co., Ltd.(PDF:184KB)

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