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International Investment Position of Japan (End of 2022)

International Investment Position of Japan (End of 2022)

(¥ billion)

International Investment Position of Japan (Ends of 2020 and 2021)
Assets Liabilities
1. Direct investment 274,749 1. Direct investment 46,168
Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 187,606 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 23,692
Reinvestment of earnings 65,631 Reinvestment of earnings 7,893
Debt instruments 21,512 Debt instruments 14,584
2. Portfolio investment 531,290 2. Portfolio investment 458,225
Equity and investment fund shares 243,903 Equity and investment fund shares 226,339
Equity securities other than investment fund shares 113,883 Equity securities other than investment fund shares 220,089
Central bank 16
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
1,019 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 4
Other financial corporations 106,841 Other financial corporations 8,802
Others 6,002 Others 198,857
Investment fund shares or units 130,020 Investment fund shares or units 6,249
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 35
Other financial corporations 105,056 Other financial corporations 6,249
Others 6,598 Others
Debt securities 287,387 Debt securities 231,886
Long-term 284,250 Long-term 128,558
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
87,013 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 295 General government 94,821
Other financial corporations 180,279 Other financial corporations 5,234
Others 16,662 Others 8,872
Short-term 3,137 Short-term 103,328
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
1,746 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government General government 101,107
Other financial corporations 903 Other financial corporations 16
Others 489 Others 263

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)


3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
22,178 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 4 General government 6
Other financial corporations 54,584 Other financial corporations 53,756
Others 1 Others 9
4. Other investment 293,292 4. Other investment 337,812
Other equity 27,502 Other equity 1,893
Currency and deposits 23,917 Currency and deposits 58,597
Central bank 37,966
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
8,092 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 68
Other financial corporations 9,675
Others 6,082
Loans 181,024 Loans 221,523
[Long-term] 94,152 [Long-term] 14,864
[Short-term] 86,872 [Short-term] 206,659
Central bank
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
106,496 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 26,671 General government
Other financial corporations 44,082 Other financial corporations 92,375
Others 3,774 Others 3,653
Insurance and pension reserves 2,892 Insurance and pension reserves 318
Other financial corporations 2,812 Other financial corporations 318
Others 80
Trade credit and advances 11,453 Trade credit and advances 4,039
[Long-term] 2,225 [Long-term] 38
[Short-term] 9,228 [Short-term] 4,001
General government 2,007
Other financial corporations 0 Other financial corporations
Others 9,447 Others 4,039
Other accounts receivable 46,503 Other accounts payable 44,087
[Long-term] 12,916 [Long-term] 1,176
[Short-term] 33,586 [Short-term] 42,911
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
32,184 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 420 General government 263
Other financial corporations 11,195 Other financial corporations 18,580
Others 2,704 Others 1,846
Special drawing rights 7,356
5. Reserve assets 162,140
Monetary gold 6,514
Special drawing rights 7,834
Reserve position in the IMF 1,430
Other reserve assets 146,363
Total assets 1,338,236 Total liabilities 919,608
Net international investment position 418,629
Central bank and general government -42,049
Sectors other than the central bank and general government 460,678
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
Other financial corporations 339,167
Others 70,402

International Investment Position of Japan
(Ends of 2021 and 2022)

(¥ billion)

International Investment Position of Japan
(Ends of 2020 and 2021)
Assets End of
End of
Liabilities End of
End of
1. Direct investment 234,224 274,749 40,525 1. Direct investment 40,692 46,168 5,476
Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 167,130 187,606 20,476 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 21,468 23,692 2,224
Reinvestment of earnings 48,308 65,631 17,322 Reinvestment of earnings 7,305 7,893 588
Debt instruments 18,785 21,512 2,727 Debt instruments 11,919 14,584 2,664
2. Portfolio investment 579,954 531,290 -48,664 2. Portfolio investment 471,250 458,225 -13,025
Equity and investment fund shares 254,190 243,903 -10,287 Equity and investment fund shares 243,989 226,339 -17,651
Equity securities other than investment fund shares 127,394 113,883 -13,511 Equity securities other than investment fund shares 237,423 220,089 -17,334
Central bank 15 16 1
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 844 1,019 175 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 8,843 12,431 3,588
General government 5 4 -0
Other financial corporations 118,635 106,841 -11,794 Other financial corporations 8,199 8,802 603
Others 7,896 6,002 -1,894 Others 220,381 198,857 -21,525
Investment fund shares or units 126,796 130,020 3,224 Investment fund shares or units 6,566 6,249 -317
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 15,454 18,332 2,877
General government 36 35 -2
Other financial corporations 104,399 105,056 657 Other financial corporations 6,566 6,249 -317
Others 6,906 6,598 -309 Others
Debt securities 325,764 287,387 -38,377 Debt securities 227,261 231,886 4,625
Long-term 321,307 284,250 -37,057 Long-term 135,782 128,558 -7,224
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 96,767 87,013 -9,755 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 18,878 19,630 753
General government 323 295 -27 General government 101,688 94,821 -6,867
Other financial corporations 207,242 180,279 -26,963 Other financial corporations 5,018 5,234 216
Others 16,975 16,662 -313 Others 10,198 8,872 -1,326
Short-term 4,457 3,137 -1,319 Short-term 91,479 103,328 11,849
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 2,340 1,746 -595 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 1,119 1,941 822
General government 0 -0 General government 89,756 101,107 11,351
Other financial corporations 1,194 903 -291 Other financial corporations 51 16 -35
Others 922 489 -433 Others 552 263 -288

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

35,543 76,766 41,223

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

35,108 77,403 42,294
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 6,975 22,178 15,203 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 7,863 23,631 15,768
General government 8 4 -4 General government 13 6 -7
Other financial corporations 28,560 54,584 26,024 Other financial corporations 27,212 53,756 26,544
Others 1 1 0 Others 21 9 -11
4. Other investment 245,669 293,292 47,623 4. Other investment 292,182 337,812 45,630
Other equity 23,761 27,502 3,741 Other equity 1,558 1,893 335
Currency and deposits 20,306 23,917 3,611 Currency and deposits 45,529 58,597 13,068
Central bank 27,986 37,966 9,979
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 5,991 8,092 2,101 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 17,543 20,632 3,089
General government 16 68 52
Other financial corporations 9,248 9,675 427
Others 5,051 6,082 1,031
Loans 151,029 181,024 29,995 Loans 201,042 221,523 20,481
[Long-term] 83,483 94,152 10,669 [Long-term] 13,585 14,864 1,279
[Short-term] 67,546 86,872 19,326 [Short-term] 187,457 206,659 19,202
Central bank
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 82,875 106,496 23,622 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 115,767 125,495 9,728
General government 24,341 26,671 2,330 General government
Other financial corporations 40,556 44,082 3,526 Other financial corporations 81,675 92,375 10,700
Others 3,257 3,774 517 Others 3,599 3,653 53
Insurance and pension reserves 1,721 2,892 1,171 Insurance and pension reserves 256 318 62
Other financial corporations 1,645 2,812 1,167 Other financial corporations 256 318 62
Others 76 80 4
Trade credit and advances 10,319 11,453 1,135 Trade credit and advances 3,301 4,039 738
[Long-term] 1,929 2,225 297 [Long-term] 36 38 2
[Short-term] 8,390 9,228 838 [Short-term] 3,265 4,001 736
General government 1,690 2,007 317
Other financial corporations 2 0 -2 Other financial corporations
Others 8,626 9,447 820 Others 3,301 4,039 738
Other accounts receivable 38,533 46,503 7,970 Other accounts payable 33,755 44,087 10,331
[Long-term] 12,360 12,916 557 [Long-term] 850 1,176 326
[Short-term] 26,173 33,586 7,413 [Short-term] 32,905 42,911 10,006
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 25,722 32,184 6,462 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 15,635 23,397 7,762
General government 363 420 57 General government 267 263 -4
Other financial corporations 9,831 11,195 1,364 Other financial corporations 16,265 18,580 2,315
Others 2,617 2,704 86 Others 1,587 1,846 259
Special drawing rights 6,741 7,356 615
5. Reserve assets 161,751 162,140 389
Monetary gold 5,699 6,514 815
Special drawing rights 7,177 7,834 656
Reserve position in the IMF 1,226 1,430 204
Other reserve assets 147,649 146,363 -1,286
Total assets 1,257,141 1,338,236 81,096 Total liabilities 839,232 919,608 80,375
Net international investment position 417,908 418,629 720
Central bank and general government -30,464 -42,049 -11,586
Sectors other than the central bank and general government 448,372 460,678 12,306
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 52,399 51,109 -1,290
Other financial corporations 382,583 339,167 -43,416
Others 13,390 70,402 57,012

Figures in "Others" include figures of nonfinancial corporations, households, and nonprofit institutions serving households.