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International Investment Position of Japan (End of 2021)

International Investment Position of Japan (End of 2021)

(¥ billion)

International Investment Position of Japan (Ends of 2020 and 2021)
Assets Liabilities
1. Direct investment 228,763 1. Direct investment 40,504
Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 163,986 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 21,326
Reinvestment of earnings 46,011 Reinvestment of earnings 7,283
Debt instruments 18,765 Debt instruments 11,895
2. Portfolio investment 578,347 2. Portfolio investment 471,027
Equity and investment fund shares 252,955 Equity and investment fund shares 243,602
Equity securities other than investment fund shares 126,787 Equity securities other than investment fund shares 237,036
Central bank 15  
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
844 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 5  
Other financial corporations 118,027 Other financial corporations 8,199
Others 7,896 Others 219,994
Investment fund shares or units 126,168 Investment fund shares or units 6,566
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 36  
Other financial corporations 103,775 Other financial corporations 6,566
Others 6,905 Others
Debt securities 325,392 Debt securities 227,425
Long-term 320,936 Long-term 135,946
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
96,767 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 323 General government 101,688
Other financial corporations 206,852 Other financial corporations 5,173
Others 16,994 Others 10,206
Short-term 4,457 Short-term 91,479
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
2,340 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 0 General government 89,756
Other financial corporations 1,194 Other financial corporations 51
Others 922 Others 552

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)


3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
6,975 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 8 General government 13
Other financial corporations 28,823 Other financial corporations 27,212
Others 1 Others 21
4. Other investment 245,212 4. Other investment 292,055
Other equity 23,761 Other equity 1,558
Currency and deposits 20,166 Currency and deposits 45,529
  Central bank 27,986
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
5,990 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 16
Other financial corporations 9,123
Others 5,036
Loans 150,814 Loans 201,064
[Long-term] 83,231 [Long-term] 13,538
[Short-term] 67,583 [Short-term] 187,526
  Central bank
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
82,874 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 24,341 General government
Other financial corporations 40,474 Other financial corporations 81,763
Others 3,125 Others 3,533
Insurance and pension reserves 1,723 Insurance and pension reserves 256
Other financial corporations 1,648 Other financial corporations 256
Others 75  
Trade credit and advances 10,295 Trade credit and advances 3,293
[Long-term] 1,929 [Long-term] 36
[Short-term] 8,366 [Short-term] 3,258
General government 1,690  
Other financial corporations 2 Other financial corporations
Others 8,603 Others 3,293
Other accounts receivable 38,454 Other accounts payable 33,614
[Long-term] 12,348 [Long-term] 736
[Short-term] 26,106 [Short-term] 32,878
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
25,673 Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
General government 363 General government 267
Other financial corporations 9,831 Other financial corporations 16,146
Others 2,587 Others 1,656
  Special drawing rights 6,741
5. Reserve assets 161,751
Monetary gold 5,699
Special drawing rights 7,177
Reserve position in the IMF 1,226
Other reserve assets 147,649
Total assets 1,249,879 Total liabilities 838,695
Net international investment position 411,184
Central bank and general government -30,464
Sectors other than the central bank and general government 441,648
Deposit-taking corporations,
except the central bank
Other financial corporations 380,897
Others 8,315

International Investment Position of Japan
(Ends of 2020 and 2021)

(¥ billion)

International Investment Position of Japan
(Ends of 2020 and 2021)
Assets End of
End of
Liabilities End of
End of
1. Direct investment 204,637 228,763 24,126 1. Direct investment 40,188 40,504 316
Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 146,553 163,986 17,433 Equity other than reinvestment of earnings 18,734 21,326 2,591
Reinvestment of earnings 39,971 46,011 6,040 Reinvestment of earnings 7,720 7,283 -437
Debt instruments 18,113 18,765 652 Debt instruments 13,734 11,895 -1,838
2. Portfolio investment 525,594 578,347 52,753 2. Portfolio investment 426,043 471,027 44,984
Equity and investment fund shares 215,194 252,955 37,761 Equity and investment fund shares 219,682 243,602 23,921
Equity securities other than investment fund shares 104,670 126,787 22,117 Equity securities other than investment fund shares 214,214 237,036 22,822
Central bank 13 15 1      
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 774 844 69 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 7,176 8,843 1,667
General government 18 5 -14      
Other financial corporations 97,646 118,027 20,381 Other financial corporations 7,823 8,199 376
Others 6,218 7,896 1,679 Others 199,215 219,994 20,779
Investment fund shares or units 110,524 126,168 15,644 Investment fund shares or units 5,468 6,566 1,099
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 13,292 15,451 2,159      
General government 28 36 9      
Other financial corporations 90,764 103,775 13,012 Other financial corporations 5,468 6,566 1,099
Others 6,441 6,905 465 Others
Debt securities 310,400 325,392 14,992 Debt securities 206,361 227,425 21,064
Long-term 306,320 320,936 14,616 Long-term 117,047 135,946 18,899
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 95,204 96,767 1,563 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 15,997 18,878 2,881
General government 286 323 36 General government 89,321 101,688 12,367
Other financial corporations 192,900 206,852 13,952 Other financial corporations 3,120 5,173 2,054
Others 17,929 16,994 -935 Others 8,610 10,206 1,596
Short-term 4,081 4,457 376 Short-term 89,314 91,479 2,165
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 1,745 2,340 595 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 987 1,119 132
General government 0 0 General government 87,867 89,756 1,889
Other financial corporations 1,263 1,194 -69 Other financial corporations 11 51 41
Others 1,073 922 -151 Others 449 552 103

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

44,698 35,806 -8,892

3. Financial derivatives (other than reserves)

42,350 35,108 -7,241
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 9,410 6,975 -2,435 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 9,292 7,863 -1,429
General government 14 8 -6 General government 10 13 3
Other financial corporations 35,274 28,823 -6,451 Other financial corporations 33,015 27,212 -5,803
Others 1 1 0 Others 33 21 -12
4. Other investment 225,486 245,212 19,726 4. Other investment 281,017 292,055 11,038
Other equity 17,960 23,761 5,801 Other equity 1,245 1,558 313
Currency and deposits 19,348 20,166 818 Currency and deposits 44,595 45,529 934
      Central bank 28,191 27,986 -205
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 6,449 5,990 -459 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 16,404 17,543 1,139
General government 6 16 11
Other financial corporations 7,896 9,123 1,227
Others 4,997 5,036 39
Loans 141,220 150,814 9,594 Loans 195,869 201,064 5,195
[Long-term] 77,350 83,231 5,881 [Long-term] 11,894 13,538 1,644
[Short-term] 63,870 67,583 3,713 [Short-term] 183,975 187,526 3,551
      Central bank
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 74,360 82,874 8,514 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 105,955 115,767 9,813
General government 22,824 24,341 1,517 General government
Other financial corporations 40,961 40,474 -487 Other financial corporations 86,486 81,763 -4,723
Others 3,075 3,125 51 Others 3,428 3,533 105
Insurance and pension reserves 1,533 1,723 190 Insurance and pension reserves 224 256 32
Other financial corporations 1,465 1,648 183 Other financial corporations 224 256 32
Others 68 75 7      
Trade credit and advances 8,376 10,295 1,919 Trade credit and advances 2,482 3,293 811
[Long-term] 1,679 1,929 249 [Long-term] 27 36 9
[Short-term] 6,697 8,366 1,669 [Short-term] 2,456 3,258 802
General government 1,485 1,690 205      
Other financial corporations 7 2 -4 Other financial corporations
Others 6,884 8,603 1,718 Others 2,482 3,293 811
Other accounts receivable 37,049 38,454 1,406 Other accounts payable 34,773 33,614 -1,159
[Long-term] 12,361 12,348 -13 [Long-term] 503 736 233
[Short-term] 24,687 26,106 1,418 [Short-term] 34,270 32,878 -1,392
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 22,275 25,673 3,398 Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 16,156 15,546 -611
General government 356 363 7 General government 346 267 -79
Other financial corporations 10,521 9,831 -690 Other financial corporations 17,201 16,146 -1,056
Others 3,896 2,587 -1,308 Others 1,069 1,656 586
      Special drawing rights 1,828 6,741 4,913
5. Reserve assets 144,214 161,751 17,537
Monetary gold 4,807 5,699 892
Special drawing rights 2,088 7,177 5,089
Reserve position in the IMF 1,565 1,226 -339
Other reserve assets 135,753 147,649 11,896
Total assets 1,144,628 1,249,879 105,250 Total liabilities 789,597 838,695 49,098
Net international investment position 355,031 411,184 56,153
Central bank and general government -31,213 -30,464 750
Sectors other than the central bank and general government 386,244 441,648 55,403
Deposit-taking corporations, except the central bank 52,452 52,436 -16
Other financial corporations 329,830 380,897 51,067
Others 3,963 8,315 4,352

Figures in "Others" include figures of nonfinancial corporations, households, and nonprofit institutions serving households.