Reports and Documents Received
Global Economy
Global Imbalances
Aging and its Policy Implications
- Summary Document on Aging FWG(PDF:200KB)
- Fiscal challenges and inclusive growth in ageing societies OECD(PDF:1327KB)
- Macroeconomics of Aging and Policy Implications IMF(PDF:820KB)
- G20 Fukuoka Policy Priorities on Aging and Financial Inclusion GPFI and OECD(PDF:5457KB)
- Proposed GPFI Work Program GPFI
International Financial Architecture
- 2019 Final Report to the Osaka Summit IFA WG(PDF:171KB)
- OECD Revised Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements OECD
- Report on the Revised Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements OECD(PDF:1132KB)
- MDBs’ final report on value for money AfDB, AsDB, EBRD, EIB, IDBG and WBG Debt Sustainability and Transparency in Low-Income Countries (LICs)(PDF:931KB)
Debt Sustainability and Transparency in Low-Income Countries (LICs)
- The Joint IMF-WB Multipronged Approach for Addressing Emerging Debt Vulnerabilities - Update on the recent progress and key milestones ahead IMF and WBG(PDF:226KB)
- G20 Operational Guidelines for Sustainable Financing Survey Results and Policy Recommendation IMF and WBG(PDF:1114KB)
- Voluntary Principles for Debt Transparency IIF(PDF:124KB)
Quality Infrastructure Investment
- G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment IWG(PDF:128KB)
- MDB Infrastructure Cooperation Platform: project preparation workstream, Phase II reference note on project preparation across the full project cycle EBRD in cooperation with WBG(PDF:1000KB)
- Multilateral Development Banks’ Reference Note, Translating Quality Infrastructure Investment Principles into Procurement Practice AfDB, AsDB, BSTDB, CDB, CABEI, CEB, EIB, EBRD, IaDB, and IsDB, coordinated by WBG(PDF:371KB)
- OECD Reference Note on Environmental and Social Considerations in Quality Infrastructure OECD(PDF:283KB)
- OECD/IMF Reference Note on the Governance of Quality Infrastructure Investment OECD and IMF(PDF:202KB)
- GI Hub/OECD/World Bank Database of Resources and Facilities for Quality Infrastructure Investment GI Hub
Resilience against Natural Disasters
Strengthening Health Financing for Moving towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Developing Countries
- G20 Shared Understanding on the Importance of UHC Financing in Developing Countries Japanese Presidency(PDF:30KB)
- High-Performance Health Financing for UHC: Driving Sustainable, Inclusive Growth in the 21th Century WBG(PDF:895KB)
Compact with Africa
International Taxation
- Secretary-General Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors OECD(PDF:2439KB)
- Programme of Work to Develop a Consensus Solution to the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy Inclusive Framework on BEPS(PDF:558KB)
- (Reference document) Summary of the Programme of Work Japanese Presidency(PDF:125KB)
- (Reference document) Summary of the Programme of Work Japanese Presidency(PDF:125KB)
- 2019 Progress Report on Tax Certainty IMF and OECD(PDF:1536KB)
- PCT Progress Report 2018-2019 Platform for Collaboration on Tax (IMF, OECD, UN and WBG)(PDF:1809KB)
Financial Regulation
- Chair’s letter to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors FSB
- Progress report on implementation of G20 reforms FSB
- Evaluation of the effects of financial regulatory reforms on small and medium-enterprise financing (SME) - Consultative Document FSB
- Report on Market Fragmentation FSB
- Market Fragmentation and Cross-border Regulation Report IOSCO
- 2019 Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures status report FSB
- Remittance service providers’ access to banking services – Monitoring of the FSB’s recommendations FSB
- Report to the G20 on the Implementation of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance OECD
Financial Innovation
- Decentralised Financial Technologies - Report on financial stability, regulatory and governance implications FSB
- Crypto-assets regulators directory FSB
- Crypto-assets - Work underway, regulatory approaches and potential gaps FSB
- Issues, Risks and Regulatory Considerations Relating to Crypto-Asset Trading Platforms–Consultation Report IOSCO
- Progress report on cyber incident response and recovery FSB