ファイナンス 2021年9月号 No.670

はマネロンを経て一旦表の経済に浮上した後、テロ資金等へと還流していく各々のフローが正にそれに当たる。まずは、麻薬犯罪とテロ組織のネクサスであるが、これは世界の複数の地域に存在する。米国の麻薬戦争との関係では、コロンビアにおいて、FARC(コロンビア革命軍)や「4月19日運動」といった反政府ゲリラ組織は、パブロ・エスコバルらの麻薬カルテルと手を結ぶ等して、麻薬取引をその大きな資金源にしていた。特に、後者の組織は、エスコバルへの助力のため、前述の最高裁判所占拠事件を引き起こした張本人達である。もっとも、これらの組織は現在では武装解除し、合法政党として同国内で政治活動を行っている。他方、現在に至るまで特に大規模な関係性が指摘されているのが、アフガニスタンにおける、ケシの実を原料とするヘロイン等のアヘン系麻薬の生産と、それを資金源とする、タリバン、及び関連するテロ組織の存在である。2020年のUNODCの報告によれば、直近5年の世界のアヘン生産の内、84%がアフガニスタンにおいて行われ、その輸出は、様々なルートを通じて世界中に広がっている*9。そして、米軍の撤退とともにアフガニスタンの支配を取り戻したタリバンは、2018*9) 2020 World Drug Report, UNODC, June 2020*10) 『国際テロリズム要覧2020』公安調査庁、2020年*11) Financial Flows Linked to the Production and Trafcking of Afghan Opiates, FATF Report, June 2014年には年間4億ドルに上る収益を麻薬取引によって上げており、これは彼らの全収益の4分の1以上に当たるとされる*10。具体的には、まずはアフガニスタン国内において、ケシの栽培、ヘロインの生成、流通といった各段階でタリバンが従事者を庇護すると同時に、手数料等の名目で収奪が行われる。そして最終的な末端での販売利益については、現金輸送等に加え、地場の送金業者を主要なチャンネルとして、アフガニスタン国内に還流しているものと見られる。これは、そもそもアフガニスタンでの金融取引の5~9割をこのような送金業者経由が占めている上、銀行ルートでの送金が当局の監視により困難になって来たことが、更に拍車をかけたものと分析される。地理的には、いくつかの金融的拠点都市、特にドバイがこのような送金のハブになっているものと目されている*11。従って、この文脈での地下資金対策においては、このような業態・地域を特に高リスクと見て、対応を行わなければならない。更に、地理的にその流通ルートにもなっている場所に活動拠点を置く、トルコ・イラクのクルド労働者党(PKK)やレバノン・シリアのヒズボラ等、麻薬取引に収入を頼るテロ組織は複数存在するものと見られ図表5  世界のヘロイン流通16WORLD DRUG REPORT 2020DRUG SUPPLYMap 1 Main heroin trafcking routes as described in reported seizures, 2014–2018Source: UNODC, responses to the annual report questionnaire, and individual drug seizure database.* A darker shade indicates a larger amount of heroin being seized with the country as source/transit/destination. The size of the route is based on the total amount seized on that route, according to the information on trafficking routes provided by Member States in the annual report questionnaire, individual drug seizures and other official documents, over the 2014‒2018 period. The routes are determined on the basis of reported country of departure/transit and destination in these sources. As such, they need to be considered as broadly indicative of existing trafficking routes while several secondary routes may not be reflected. Route arrows represent the direction of trafficking: origins of the arrows indicate either the area of departure or the one of last provenance, end points of arrows indicate either the area of consumption or the one of next destination of trafficking. Therefore, the trafficking origin does not reflect the country in which the substance was produced. The main countries mentioned as transit or destination were identified on the basis of both the number of times they were identified by other Member States as departure/transit or destination of seizures, and the annual average amount that these seizures represent during the 2014‒2018 period. For more details on the criteria used, please see the Methodology section of the present report.The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. The dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. Global heroin trafficking routes by amounts seized estimated on the basis of reported seizures, 2014–2018Sources: UNODC.* A darker shade indicates a larger amount of heroin being seized with the country as source/transit/destination.The size of the route is based on the total amount seized on that route, according to the information on trafficking routes provided by Member States in the annual report questionnaire, individual drug seizures and other official documents, over the 2014-2018 period. The routes are determined on the basis of reported country of departure/transit and destination in these sources. As such, they need to be considered as broadly indicative of existing trafficking routes while several secondary routes may not be reflected. Route arrows represent the direction of trafficking: origins of the arrows indicate either the area of departure or the one of last provenance, end points of arrows indicate either the area of consumption or the one of next destination of trafficking. Therefore, the trafficking origin does not reflect the country in which the substance was produced.The main countries mentioned as transit or destination were identified on the basis of both the number of times they were identified by other Member States as departure/transit or destination of seizures, and the annual average amount that these seizures represent during the 2014-2018 period. For more details on the criteria used, please see the Methodology section of this document. The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. The dotted line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has not yet been agreed upon by the parties. Main countries mentioned as source Main countries mentioned as transit* Main countries mentioned as destination* Main countries mentioned with more than one trafficking role* Not main countries of source/transit or destinationNORTH AMERICANORTHAFRICAEASTAFRICAEASTASIACENTRAL ASIAEASTERN EUROPETRANS-CAUCASIAWESTERN AND CENTRALEUROPESOUTH ASIAGULF AREA AND MIDDLE EASTSOUTH-EASTASIAOCEANIASOUTH-EASTERN EUROPENORTHAMERICASOUTHAMERICAMEXICO &CENTRAL AMERICAMain heroin trafficking routes as described by reported seizures, 2014-2018Low volume flowHigh volume flowSOUTH ASIASOUTHERN AFRICAWEST AND CENTRAL AFRICASOUTH-WEST ASIA annual report questionnaire, individual drug seizures and other official documents, over the 2014-2018 period. The routes are determined on the basis tes while several secondary routes may not be reflected. Route arrows represent the direction of trafficking: origins of the arrows indicate either the area ore, the trafficking origin does not reflect the country in which the substance was produced.s as departure/transit or destination of seizures, and the annual average amount that these seizures represent during the 2014-2018 period. For more d line represents approximately the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir agreed upon by India and Pakistan. The final status of Jammu and Kashmir has EASTAFRICASOUTH ASIAGULF AREA AND MIDDLE EASTSOUTH-EASTASIAOCEANIASOUTHERN AFRICAA(出典)UNODC(2020)生産国として、アフガニスタンの他、ミャンマーとメキシコが挙げられているが、アフガニスタンからの輸出が圧倒的に大きいことが示されている。48 ファイナンス 2021 Sep.連載還流する 地下資金

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