特別研究官 Senior Research Fellow
細野 薫

研究分野 主な関心領域



1984年 京都大学経済学部卒業

1990年 米国ノースウェスタン大学大学院経済学部卒業、修士号(MA)取得

2009年 一橋大学博士号(経済学)取得


1984年 経済企画庁入庁

1999年 名古屋市立大学経済学部助教授

2003年 学習院大学経済学部助教授

2004年 学習院大学経済学部教授

2010年 イェール大学客員研究員

2011年 財務省財務総合政策研究所総括主任研究官

2013年 学習院大学経済学部教授

主な著作物  (著書・編著、論文等)

  • 『インタンジブルズ・エコノミー』(淺羽茂、宮川努共編著)、東京大学出版会、2016年
  • 『金融危機のミクロ経済分析』東京大学出版会、2010年(第53回日経・経済図書文化賞受賞)
  • The Interaction of a Size-Dependent Tax Policy and Financial Frictions: Evidence from a Tax Reform in Japan (with M. Hotei and D. Miyakawa), Small Business Economics, published: 08 December 2023.
  • Causal Effects of a Tax Incentive on SME Capital Investment (with M. Hotei and D. Miyakawa), Small Business Economics, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11187-022-00709-3新しいウィンドウで開きます
  • Pricing Implications of Intervention and Debt Management in the Primary Market of Japanese Government Bonds (with D. Miyakawa and S. Watanabe), Pacific-Basin Finance Journal: 77, 101918, 2023.
  • Determinants and Effects of the Use of COVID-19 Business Support Program in Japan (with T. Honda, D. Miyakawa, A. Ono, and I. Uesugi), Journal of the Japanese and International Economies: 67, 101239, 2023.
  • Japan's Productivity Stagnation: Using Dynamic Hsieh-Klenow Decomposition (with M. Takizawa), Contemporary Economic Policy: 40(1), 218-232, 2022.
  • Complementarity and Substitutability between Tangible and Intangible Capital: Evidence from Japanese Firmlevel Data (with D. Miyakawa, M. Takizawa, K. Yamanouchi), Singapore Economic Review: 65(5), 1293-1321, 2020.
  • “Natural Disasters, Damage to Banks, and Firm Investment,” (with D. Miyakawa, T. Uchino, M. Hazama, A. Ono, U. Uchida, and I. Uesugi) International Economic Review: 57 (4), 1335-1370, 2016.
  • “International Transmission of the 2007–2009 Financial Crisis: Evidence from Japan,” (with M. Takizawa and K. Tsuru) Japanese Economic Review: 67 (3), 295-328, 2016.
  • “Financial Shocks, Bankruptcy, and Natural Selection,” (with U. Uchida, D. Miyakawa, A. Ono, T. Uchino, and I. Uesugi) Japan and the World Economy: 36, 123-135, 2015.
  • “The Impact of Demand Shock on the Employment of Temporary Agency Workers: Evidence from Japan during the Global Financial Crisis,” (with M. Takizawa and K. Tsuru) Seoul Journal of Economics: 28(3) 265-283, 2015.
  • “Fiscal Sustainability in Japan,” (with M. Sakuragawa) Journal of the Japanese and International Economies: 25 (4) 434-446, 2011.
  • “Managerial Entrenchment and Antitakeover Provisions in Japan,” (with M. Takizawa and K. Tsuru) Seoul Journal of Economics: 24 (3) 287-331, 2011.
  • “Fiscal Sustainability of Japan: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach, “(with M. Sakuragawa) Japanese Economic Review: 61 (4) 517-537, 2010.
  • “Ownership Structure and the Risk-Return Profiles of Japanese Stocks,” (with H. Murase and I. Samikawa) Corporate Ownership and Control: 7 (1) 9-17, 2009.
  • “The Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in Japan: Evidence from Banks’ Balance Sheets,” Journal of the Japanese and International Economies: 20 (3) 380-405, 2006.
  • “Corporate Governance and Research and Development: Evidence from Japan,” (with M. Tomiyama and T. Miyagawa) Economics of Innovation and New Technology: 13 (2) 141-164, 2004.
  • “Growth Opportunities, Collateral and Debt Structure: The Case of the Japanese Machine-Manufacturing Firms,” Japan and the World Economy: 15 (3) 275-297, 2003.



